Importance of Meditation

How to change your life through meditation


With meditation comes inner peace and a clear mind.

Now, before we get started I’d like to point something out… A lot of folks don’t understand how to meditate nor do they understand how it could actually be beneficial and play a part in their lives.

There’s also a huge handful of people who believe meditating is all a hoax and that the people who do it are just plain full of it… or hippies. I get it. In fact, when I first heard of meditation I thought about how ridiculous it seemed.

I simply could not understand what the purpose was nor did I care. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with how meditation is perceived because I’m a full-on believer that it finds its way into the lives of those who need it most, at the perfect time.


So, what is meditation?


The practice of meditation is essentially strengthening your state of awareness and practicing bringing focus to oneself. Typically, the main goal of meditation is general wellness. It’s also widely used to clear the mind of useless chatter and thought which is exactly what the practice of awareness and focus will help you with.


Why is meditation growing in popularity?


Because it truly helps people.


Meditation is no longer a foreign word and practice like it once was. Most people have, at the very least, heard the term before in this day and age. The reason behind the growing popularity has a lot to do with the huge amount of people with anxiety and depression in the world today. We’re still not entirely sure why the rates of anxiety disorders and depression are rising, but a couple of contributing factors may be social media and poor sleeping habits which becomes more and more apparent every single day.


My personal experience


When I was 18 I had my first panic attack and from that point, into the next 5 years, I was miserable and anxious at almost all times of the day. I’d be able to mask it on occasions where I’d have enough distractions but most of the time, especially alone by myself, it was almost too much to handle. 

Fast forward and I eventually began watching videos on “how to be happy” and “how to start living”, etc. I stumbled upon meditation one day but let it pass and searched for other ways to go about it, which I would ultimately end up trying but not have much success. Eventually, however, I decided to sit down and give it a shot. I managed to “meditate” for about 3 minutes before giving in and actually, found it rather difficult.

The time would pass and I would periodically sit down and meditate when anxious in hopes that the many beneficial statistics would prove to be true, and over time, they did. So much so that I would meditate for about a month, feel amazing and happy with my life, then stop because every time, I would assume that everything was “good to go now” but the truth is… meditation isn’t something that you should start and stop because the benefits (clarity, focus, awareness, stillness) only grows more and more, while also teaching you a lesson of perseverance and discipline in the process. It’s a win-win cycle that never ends.


Why should you start meditating?


Meditation is practiced by the wealthiest and most successful of people, it isn’t just for those struggling with an overactive mind who can’t seem to focus. In fact, If you feel as though you’re in a good place in life, this would be an amazing point to start your meditation journey. It will only enhance everything beautiful in your life. There’s a long list of people who attribute their many successes because of meditation, and for good reason. There’s:


  • Bill Gates
  • Michael Jordan
  • Will Smith
  • Russell Simmons
  • Paul Mccartney
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Oprah Winfrey


Just to name a few, as well as many, many others. Meditation has been linked in helping with so many different things that it’s hard to list them all. Taking 15 minutes out of your day to meditate helps us all in uniquely personal ways, on top of the many general reasons. A handful of the main benefits are:


  • Putting your mind at ease, ridding excessive negative thought patterns.
  • Enhancing self-awareness.
  • Being able to focus on the present moment and stop worrying about the future or the past.
  • Helps increase imagination and creativity
  • Strengthens your patience and tolerance for situations.




Meditation will find you at exactly the right time in your life, there is no need to force yourself into doing it.

If you’re reading this, you either already practice this yourself or are looking into doing so, and if it’s the ladder… there’s a reason why you’ve stumbled upon a blog like this.

Maybe something isn’t going how you want it to in your life, or maybe you feel a little anxious or depressed. Let me tell you from personal experience… I’ve been at the bottom emotionally which then turned physically soon after. I had just about enough, I was struggling every single day and began wondering what the point was.

Please understand this. Every single aspect of your life can change positively, forever, through meditation. The thing about it is, you can only truly discover how this feels for yourself through doing it yourself.

You have nothing to lose.


