The Law of Attraction: What You Put Out is What You Get

Law of Attraction


When it comes to the law of attraction, what you put out is what you get back. If you are constantly putting out negative vibes, that is what you will attract in your life. But if you focus on positive thoughts and actions, you will be rewarded with happiness and success. In this blog post, we will discuss how to apply this law to your life in order to achieve your goals!

The Law of Attraction: What You Put Out is What You Get Back


Most of us already know the truth of “like attracts like.” We consider the consequences of our choices, and of our actions. But do you ever consider the consequences of your intentions? Your focus?  What about your thoughts?


Your mind is more powerful than you know and will do its best to translate whatever you focus on the most into your reality.


The moment you allow yourself to recognize your true intentions, your true desires, and your honest feelings, and then learn to process them free of strife, you become more powerful than you have ever been or ever thought was possible!

Why You Attract What You Put Out


The Law of Attraction goes beyond the idea of simple equivalent exchange: that good actions result in good consequences, while bad actions result in bad consequences.


The Law of Attraction goes deeper, to the root of what’s behind those actions and consequences in your individual life – and the power you have over them.


Some bad things (just like some good things!) are always unavoidable, but by harnessing the this law, you have the most control and happiness possible, over yourself.


It is not magic, and it is not an excuse: it is simply how the universe functions. You are part of the universe, and you are affecting it just as it affects you.


The Universe


The universe is not some enormous obstacle that is out to get you or your emotions, or anybody/anything for that matter. It is simply a part of your experience as a human being, and like any other experience, it goes best for you when you understand how it works and how to best interact with it in your own favor.


The universe will help you hurt yourself and lead you to experience mostly bad luck, if that is really what you want for your and how you see the universe working. But in the same way, the universe will help you help yourself and lead you to experience mostly good luck, if that is what you really want and what you think the universe does for you.


Of course, this doesn’t mean that nothing bad will ever happen to you, or that all the bad things that ever happen to you are your own fault! But utilizing the Law of Attraction will allow you to step back and see things better, to know yours better, and to finally recognize and then take positive control of the things in your life that you can influence.

Is the Law of Attraction a Form of Karma?


The Law of Attraction and the Principle of Karma are related, but still not the same. Karma is a determining force that is in many ways outside of our control, more like the way the universe works behind the scenes, and why you find yourself in certain situations in life.


Karma is important – of course the consequences of your actions matter! But you can never know the full repercussions of your actions, or how they will return to you.


The Law of Attraction operates on a more personal level, as a way to take as much control of your own reality as possible, to deal in the best way possible with what the infinite has made available to you, and to be more aware of that experience.

How the Law of Attraction Can Change Your Life


The Law of Attraction works for everyone. It never discriminates. Do not think that you are too weak or helpless to use it in your favor – or too strong to avoid its effects.


At every moment, every person is operating the same way: attracting what they focus on the most, whether that focus is positive or negative.


The idea that you can fall into such a trap of your own negativity might feel scary…but it just means that the opposite is true, too! That’s right, your positivity has just as much power as your negativity!

How to Apply the Law of Attraction to Your Own Life


Once you truly understand how the law works, it is actually not hard to use at all! It might feel strange at first, but in the end, it is just another skill for your brain to learn, like any other.


First, you must cultivate self-awareness and self-honesty. You can’t get what you really want if you will not admit to yourself all that you really want! Throw shame away. This is just between you, your brain, the universe, and the power you naturally possess.


Once you know what you really want – stop resisting that thing! This is the second step. Stop fixating on negativity – it only creates negative energy, which only stands in your way.


Get to the bottom of any resistance you have to what you want – a task much easier when you finally admit to yourself what you truly want, and allow yourself to be willing to want it and achieve it.


Once you have truly recognized and embraced your intentions and vibration, the effects in your life will soon follow.


You will have more confidence, stronger willpower, a better sense of the direction your life should take, a deeper sense of your own abilities, and a greater willingness to engage in and embrace what’s necessary to make the changes you truly most desire!


That’s all! There is no third step. Really!

The Effects of Negative Energy



It might seem contradictory, but clinging desperately to a thought or idea does not help it manifest positively in your life. Obsession, greed, fear, anger, hatred, doubt, desperation, self-pity, resentment, bitterness, and vanity only serve to attract more of the same.


For the Law of Attraction to work the way you need it to, you need to approach your desires with honesty, faith, and trust. Do not smother your intentions with anxiety about whether you will succeed or not.


Have faith that they will happen, that you are capable, that the universe is not out to get you, and keep working quietly and sincerely towards them.


If you make honest, intentional investments in your goals, the Law of Attraction will help you achieve them. Send your desires like a message in a bottle out to the infinite, and live in the full assumption that one day a reply will come. This is the attitude you need to take.


You do not need to check your universal mailbox obsessively every day. When you properly utilize the Law of Attraction, things will come to you at precisely when they should, when it is truly best for you.

How to Deal With Negativity


Negativity is exactly why self-awareness and self-honesty are so important! They will help you banish the negativity standing in your way.


Once you can get to the root of why you feel so bad about yourself, why you feel so much negativity or shame, why you are honestly so resistant to the idea that you could get this thing you want, or have the life you want to have – you can treat it, recognize it for what it is, and get rid of it!


Sometimes there are genuine obstacles in life, but many times so many of the obstacles you think you face are totally unnecessary, and all in your own mind. Recognizing what is truly necessary, and what you can let go of, will help you live a better, happier life, and attract what it is you really want out of life.


Perhaps this sounds scary to you. That’s okay, it feels that way at first for many people.


To confront your own self-doubts, and fears of your shortcomings, or your fear of not getting something you desperately desire, or think you need, is really uncomfortable. Those are feelings nobody likes to have.


But Understand This


The sooner you can confront them, the sooner you will get past them, and move your mind on to achieving the things you really want, and being the person you truly long to be!


You have the power to recognize and overcome these bad things in your life and in your mind, and to get what you want.


Keep that in mind as you journey toward harnessing the Law of Attraction: that this is just the first step toward achieving what you desire, it’s just a part of the process, in fact in the end it will be a good thing because it’s going to help you get where you want to be!

Always Remember: You Attract What You Put Out



The Law of Attraction is an important tool to interact with the world and conduct your life in a way that will help keep you the most fulfilled and healthy.


Once you interrupt and change your personal patterns of unnecessary doubt and resistance and negativity, you can achieve things you never previously let yourself believe were possible! The ability is inside you, you just have to learn how to use it.


You do not have to be some special, perfect “chosen one,” or somebody who you already consider to be “talented” or “successful.”


This Law is a skill to learn like any other, and once you overcome your own resistance, it’s one of the best and easiest things you can do to improve your own life, mental health, and well-being. The universe does not hate you, and it never did!



What you attract into your life is entirely up to you. You have the power to create a better future for the world, write out a better script, create a winning mindset etc.


Everything that is currently apart of your life is what you have attracted up until this point, wether you believe that’s the case or not. Your energy and vibration determines everything, and as long as you act and feel positive and put out a little positive energy in the world, nothing can stop you from attracting all you could ever want.


